About 💬️
Archeological Excavations 2
Sara Salamon

installation, slow mobile ambient
wooden object, sand, light, mobiles, construction materials, arduino, photography flashes

collaborators: Hrvoje Spudić (programming & production of objects) and Marko-Luka Zubčić (text)

    Archaeological Excavations is an exhibition that brings together mobile, lighting and video objects and documentation of the performances from 2020 and 2021. The gallery exhibition thus becomes a space of silent performance of objects that are tics in space.

The gallery space was transformed in truncated excavation site with time-space uncertainty. Exhibited objects were moving on their own, in time-edited random pace.  The tension of body in moving space and the tension between physical elements, such as construction tape taking different shape, or sand sprayed as if it is hard material, were my main occupation.

This project is funded by Ministry of Culture and Media, Republic of Croatia. 



  • 08/04 — 24/04/2021 — Archeological Exchavation / solo exhibition Galerija VN, Zagreb
  • 18/10 — 06/11/2021 — Llamar o tocar a la puerta / group exhibition Galerija Kortil, Rijeka