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stage directions: Bright, no clouds
Experiment platform 2.1.

happening, performance, installation
sand, backdrops, mirrors, 6 x piezo microphones (4x mono sound)
(produced with collective Experiment Platform)  

This work was produced as a response to collective topic of Landscape. The idea was to produce the sand hill that produces sound. Inside the hill are placed six piezo contact microphones connected to the sound system of 4 speakers that are circular composition in gallery space. Around the central hill there are backdrops and supervising mirrors. The visitors were invited to build the hill and produce and hear the sound.

Artis Statement

One of the kings built a tower, but did not finish its top. People abandoned and neglected it, without a word… Earthquakes and thunder damaged the tower, the clay got dry, the bricks fell apart, the soil started to penetrate the interior. The big Merodah encouraged me to repair the tower. I left the foundation as it was, and I did not change the exterior either. I made it look as it used to look in the old times. So, I found and rebuilt the tower. I lifted it to the skies.
Nabukodonosor II

Another source says that the earthquake that brought down the Tower of Babylon, which started to grow shamelessly into the sky, was the punishment inflicted by God, who was frightened by the togetherness of people speaking the same language. He said: “This is only the beginning of their efforts”, so he confounded their speech and made any communication impossible. People went each their own way. The world’s loneliest whale also went its way and it has been doing so ever since. Its song, which is at a frequency of 52 Hz and is therefore significantly higher than the song of its species, was picked up by the US Navy in 1989. Many scientists have tried to explain this, and the latest theory says that this whale is a hybrid, a descendant of two different species of whales. Since the sounds of these giant animals make their entire bodies vibrate, the world’s loneliest whale creates sound that belongs to no one, but also belongs to everyone.

Where do we build and tell our stories, where does space create sound and where does sound create space? Can we play with the question of what was first, the form or a sound?


Platforma za eksperiment aims to encourage reflection about the visual and the performative. The Platform’s openness to the audience and general public focuses on the idea of participation – what is participation in the first place? – offering people the possibility to express themselves and choose different participatory practices, i.e., activism, social engagement and/or contemporary art practices, in relation to social topics that are important in the context of our living environment. Experiment Platform performed in Rijeka, Zagreb and Buenos Aires. Regular members of collective are Lara Badurina, Liberta Mišan and Sara Salamon. So far thirty participants and colleagues have been involved in projects.

Niz izvedbi Platforme za eksperiment u Rijeci započele sa svojim istraživačkim radom u prostoru Galerije Kortil u 2017., a pratile su ih jutarnje radionice za sudionike. Četiri jednodnevne izvedbe/događaja bavile su se iskustvom prostora (pejzaža) kroz priču. 

Event happenings time-table:

  • 16/11/2017 - Sara Salamon, Potres didaskalija: Vedro, bez oblaka
  • 17/11/2017 - Lara Badurina, Prva sinegdoha: „…idemo doma.“ didaskalija: Magla
  • 18/11/2017 - Liberta Mišan,  Tu i tamo didaskalija: suša, prašnjavo / zemljano
  • 19/11/2017 - Ledinsky, Memoriziranje i transmisija tjelesne prostornosti u ivedbi didaskalija: Isijavanje
