About 💬️
Muzak: Desert grows.

theatre play
(scenography & light design)

Muzak is a theatre company operating in Rijeka, Croatia. It's objective is the development of narrative, performative and affective strategies for the Great Trouble.

concept & drammaturgy: Marko-Luka Zubčić, Nataša Antulov
direction: Nataša Antulov
inspired by: Dona DeLilla, Franza Kafke and ASMR Darling

duration: 40 min
premiere: 10/01/2018 at HKD Sušak, Rijeka

Desert grows. is a theatre production thematizing the need for and the problems with rethinking normative social relations in Anthropocene, in particular the diversity of epistemic strategies (variety of forms of information-gathering, coordination and mystification) and the affective tactics of domestication.

By focusing on the family which has to leave their family home in order to escape the approaching disaster, and by setting the central part of the theatre production in a camp in which they wait for the development of the situation, constantly gathering and adapting differently to the contradictory and suspicious information about the state of things, "Desert grows." problematizes the conceptual, epistemic and moral challenges of human communities in the state of deep unpredictability of the environment (which is a basic feature of Anthropocene).

Pustinja raste. odvija se kroz tri čina: obiteljski dom, kamp te daleka budućnost Antropocena smještena u potpuno nepoznatom i izmijenjenom okolišu.

Oblikovanje vizualnog identiteta za predstavu - scenografija i svjetlo:

Osnovni koncept bio je spojiti scenografski fizički element i svjetlo u jedno tijelo kojeg likovi nastanjuju i trpe. Polje 6x4 m žute boje bez refleksije omogućilo je promjenu boje (okoliša) kroz tri čina. Svjetlo nije pratilo događaje među likovima već je kreiralo stanje na koje likovi reagiraju.

  • U prvom činu riječ je o toplom obiteljskom domu.

  • Drugi čin smješten je u evakuacijskom kampu za ekološku katastrofu koji je označen desaturiranom podlogom i sivim bolesnim licima, a u trenutku ulaska zaražene osobe pokreće se haze mašina koja kulminira u posljednjem činu gdje je zaraza izmijenila okoliš. U drugom činu za izvedbu ASMR zvuka pred laptopom u mraku dodatno se osvjetlilo lice usb LED lampama.

  • Treći čin trebao je u predstaviti svijet daleke budućnosti koji je u potpunosti izmijenjen. Žuti je pod postao magenta.

visual reference:
first act:

second act:

third act:
